Two unqualified fans talking about Marquette basketball. This is a weekly podcast about all things related to Marquette basketball from the common fans' perspective.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Conference season is upon us
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Non-conference is done, all hail the coming of a new year and conference season. We first close out the non-con part of the show by talking Symir and Koby(only interesting thing from Central Arkansas game). We then overview the conference season by discussing which teams in the Big East we more worried about, less worried about, and the....same?....worried about from our preview at the start of the season. We then preview the Creighton and Villanova games and make predictions, where one of us is very optimistic. Happy New Year and Enjoy!

Monday Dec 23, 2019
Have some Scrambed Egg Nog
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Full disclosure, we stole the episode title from Andy Benjamin on twitter but it was way too good not to use. This holiday episode of Scrambled Eggs we revisit the past week of games and discuss what the outcome tells us about the upcoming Big East season. We also talk about the Howard brothers all-time record set against North Dakota State. We then talk about the Central Arkansas game and any takeways we can get from that game. Lastly, we have a conversation about Marquette and Markus Howard's place in the sports media landscape. We hope to pod again in a week but either way we wish all our listeners Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas. Enjoy!

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Breaks over, lets talk buy games and your questions
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Tuesday Dec 17, 2019
Quick summary for this podcast, we focused on 3 key topics:
-What do we want to get out of the buy games?
-Initial NET rankings are out, what are our take-aways and thoughts?
-We polled the #mubb twitterverse for questions you want answered and boy did you deliver
We're hoping to be back with a pod before Christmas, enjoy!

Monday Dec 09, 2019
It was a good week, now lets go win at finals
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
It's a pretty straight forward pod this week. #mubb got two wins this week, including a solid road win against a potential Big 12 bottom dweller. So we talked about the two games this week and what we learned from them. We also marvel at the development of Jamal Cain and whether there are any late game Markus concerns. Quick pod for your morning drive. Enjoy!

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Markus is not human, then he is...so goes Orlando Invitational
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
We're back after #mubb wraps up it's time in Orlando and going to break down how it went. We, first, generally meander around how the Invitational went and what we take away from the Maryland game. We also talk about whether some of the "found pieces" on offense like Brendan Bailey and Sacar Anim are flashes or portend things to come. We then pivot to the week ahead, first by nodding at the Jacksonville match up before moving on to the meat of the week, Kansas State. We break down the match up and discuss whether we should be worried or not (especially given how not worried we were about Wisconsin). Lastly, we close out with old but still exciting news, Dawson Garcia is committed to MU and what does that mean for next years team and get a little excited about some potential line-ups. As always, enjoy!

Monday Nov 18, 2019
What started out as a great week for #mubb just went splat
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
We're glad you're here, cause we really need to talk this out. #mubb got a great win against Purdue, in come from behind fashion,which was great. However, they then went on the road against a hated rival and not only lost but lost in what has become a signature failure mode in the Wojo era. So we talk through the week that was and figure out given the small sample size if changes need to be made in the line-up and/or approach. We close out the podcast with a discussion around recruiting news, specifically Dawson Garcia. Enjoy, we'll get through this together!

Monday Nov 11, 2019
#MUBB got the win and the Markus record out of the way, now the work begins
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Solid, if unrevealing, win for #MUBB in the season opener against Loyola Maryland. We talk about the game and if there is anything of consequence to take away from it. (1:30). One important thing that came out of the game is Markus Howard setting the all-time MU scoring record so we talk about the record and Markus in general (8:00). We then turn our chatter to the upcoming Gavitt game against Purdue. We talk about what we think will happen, what a MU victory has to look like, and what concerns we have about the game going in to it(15:00). Then we discuss that other game on the schedule this week with that team 90 miles west of MU central. That's right it's #BadgerHateWeek, so we get into it and try not to overlook Wisconsin(29:27). Enjoy!

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Let's light this candle! #mubb season kick-off pod
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
We made it, we got through the off-season with a lot of scars but we're now ready to roll so buckle up cause it's gonna be a long one. We kick-off the pod with some discuss of what take-aways(if any) we have from the secret scrimmage and the exhibition game (3:07). We then tackle our annual tradition of going nearly game by game and call our shots in terms of wins and losses for the season....one of us has been doubling down on his optimism pills (11:28). Once the season has been forecast we then tackle big picture questions on the season like what is the floor and the ceiling for this team and what will make this a successful season (38:12). As always, enjoy!

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Practice has started so we shall pod
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Official practice not based on a European trip has started for your Marquette basketball team so we need to pod. After a brief intro we talk about some of the news and notes coming from John Fanta as he spent the first day of practice with Wojo and the team (2:06). That leads into a discussion on the Brian Hamilton (The Athletic) article on the State of the Program for #mubb that came out a couple of weeks ago(22:06). We then focus on the commitment news of Osasere Ighodaro and analysis what that means for the 4 remain scholarships in the 2020 class(27:36) We then turn to other recruiting news to take about the general landscape and what Wojo is looking for (32:00) and then close out the pod with a high level overview of the Big East schedule now that it's been released (41:00). The season is neigh and as always, enjoy!

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
We aren't going to use the jump to conclusions map - foreign tour edition
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
The off season is starting to come to the close so it's time to get back in the podcast studio and catch up on things. We kick-off with a discussion of the foreign tour(3:40) and how practical the two center line-up actually will be(8:50). We then spend some time on key cog(in our opinion) Koby McEwen to determine if the tour told us anything about his performance(15:32). We then talk team ceiling and what has to go right to achieve it(21:11). Next up is the news that MU will play UCLA twice and that means we get to host(cue evil music)......Mick Cronin so we discuss how much or little we will enjoy that(25:33). Speaking of schedule, we talk impact of the UCLA home and home on the schedule in 2020 plus a 20 game conference schedule and wildly speculate as to what that does to the annual Badger game(29:30). We close out the pod with a walk through of recruiting news, the medical disqualification of Ike Eke and reminisce about the fun TBT run that the MU alumni went on(33:45). As always, enjoy!