Two unqualified fans talking about Marquette basketball. This is a weekly podcast about all things related to Marquette basketball from the common fans' perspective.

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Scrambled Eggs is back and we're catching up on the season
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
We've been away for a bit, so we have some catching up to do. We talk #mubb over the last couple of weeks and how much or little negativity we should fill ourselves with. We also talk about line-ups, what would we change or not change to get more out of the roster. We also talk about who the best overall and offensive options are Marquette going forward. Lastly we talk about the tournament picture and we bring back the super popular bubble talk segment. Note, Joe's end at a bit of an audio glitch at the beginning and again in the last 15 seconds, but other than that it's a typically average episode. Enjoy!

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Rumors of good defense for MU are greatly exaggerated
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
It's been a whirlwind week for #mubb and we're back to talk about it. We talk about the three games since last we posted. We spend time talking about what is going on with the defense and if the concern is overblown or not. We then talk about the new faces on the team and how we are starting to see them blossom. We then turn to future Top 10 victim, Villanova and whether we think #mubb can win. This will be the last pod for 2020, so we wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! Enjoy!

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Depending on where you stand we are either overreacting or underreacting.
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Weirdly, the non-conference season is over and we are reacting to it. We largely ignore the UW-Green Bay game (we own the state) and focus on the result out in LA. We talk about the result, what Wojo did or did not do right, and what we take away from the game. We then talk about the start of conference season and how good(more likely bad) the game against Creighton goes and how MU will do against the Fighting Kevin Willards. We then close out the pod with some discussion of what the future holds from a schedule standpoint and Shakespeare (To bubble or not to bubble). As always, enjoy!

Monday Dec 07, 2020
All Hail Justin Lewis and his slaying of the Badgers
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Well it was a roller coaster week for #mubb and we're here to talk about it. The week started off with a bad loss to Oklahoma State but that's not where we start because we gotta start with the Justin Lewis game. We discuss the game, the rotation, the result, and most importantly, Justin Lewis. We then turn to the week ahead and discuss the upcoming games against Green Bay and UCLA(maybe?). We also discuss the habit Wojo has to get a big win and then crap the bed. It's a lot and we hope you enjoy!

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Solid start to the season, now things get real #BadgerHateWeek
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
So the season has started and all things considered, it was pretty good. The Scrambled Eggs team got together to discuss the results of the first competitive games for #MUBB in 8 months. The focus of the discussion is on the front court, DJ Carton, and what the rotation looks like going forward. We then turn to this weeks contests, starting with Oklahoma State and the challenge Cade Cuningham represents. Then we turn to #BadgerHateWeek and discuss what we think MU can do against Wisconsin. It will be a challenging week but, hey, we're playing basketball so enjoy!

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
The season starts....we think
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
It's time for the weirdest season on-record for #mubb to kick-off. We start off by talking about the swirl of external events around the basketball season and how they will impact the shape of the season to come. We also discuss what a delay to the season may look like if it happens. We then discuss the news that Jose Perez is available to play this season, via waiver, and what that might mean for the team. We then discuss the upcoming games, how they might turn out, and what we think the results will be. Buckle up and enjoy!

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
We've been hiding in a bunker for a while, but we've emerged to talk about the new #MUBB season. We chit chat about life then jump into what the season might look like. We start by identifying 9 key areas or outcomes that Marquette might need to happen to be above average this season. As part of the review, we give a thumbs up or thumbs down depending on how likely it is to happen. We then jump into the schedule such as it were, and make some random and bold predictions about how the schedule works out (spoiler alert, not that bold cause I think everyone else is thinking the same thing). Sit back, enjoy the podcast, and prep for re-entry to #MUBB SZN.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Summer #mubb podcast, we have a guest!
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Scrambled Eggs is getting a little serious, figuratively and literally. First, we got a guest, and a great guest at that! Joe Chapman, former #mubb guard and current coach of #TBT Golden Eagles Alumni team, joins the podcast to talk about things like The Tournament, his experience at MU, using a platform for change, and how you build a competitive team. We then react to the interview and discuss the excitement around live US sports if only for a moment. We then turn to some serious conversations around will we have a season and what does it look like, Coach Killings' efforts with Coaches for Action, the Black Lives Matter efforts, and the impact on the team/players. We close out the podcast with DJ Carton being immediately eligible and the impact on our forecast for the season. As always, enjoy!

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
#MUBB Happy Hour
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
So we did a thing, we organized a Zoom happy hour with notable Marquette social media "personalities" and we recorded it. Big thanks to Tim Blair, Ben Snider, Sam Newberry, Alan Bykowski, and Patrick Leary for joining the chat and raising the overall quality of the podcast considerably. I'd go through all the stuff we talked about but it was all over the map and you'll just have to listen.....what else you have to do? Enjoy!

Monday Apr 13, 2020
Scrambled Eggs is still in quarantine but that doesn't mean we can't pod
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
The season ended really weird and we really haven't had the chance to talk about it. We get together and first discuss the end of what was shaping up to be a disappointing season for #mubb. We then talk about the Markus Howard era, what we'll remember and what Markus' legacy will be in the coming years. That conversation leads to yet another discussion of Wojo the coach, and what options Marquette really had given the financial state of affairs given the impact Covid-19 is having of society. We also talk the departure of Stan Johnson and the return of Justin Gainey. We close out the pod with a quick examination of the recruiting trail for Wojo, the players in the transfer market and what MU needs/wants right now. Generally, we keep it light so let's hope you enjoy!